Florida, Close Bestiality Loophole!

Until Eric Antunes' case, the Florida government didn't realize that a law making bestiality illegal in October of 2011 has an oral sex loophole. 

Eric was arrested in May for bestiality and child pornography. Now, law enforcement is saying they will only be able to prosecute him for child pornography, as just one of the pictures found of him and his girlfriend's dog comes close to violating the bestiality law. 

This is because the law, as it is written, only prohibits penetration of a human sex organ with an animal's mouth, not contact in general.

No contact should be permitted at all. Please tell the Florida government to close this loophole immediately! 

Please close an oral sex loophole found in Florida's bestiality law through Eric Antunes' case. NO sexual contact between humans and animals should be permitted at all! 

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