They Banned Elephant Ivory And Made Hippo Ivory That Much More Popular

People have been trading ivory from animals for hundreds of years, and that trade is responible for the near extinction of many animals, including elephants. Due to the recent push to protect the last remaining elephants, many countries have made the trade of their tusks illegal. One such country is the UK in The Ivory Act, which goes into effect soon.

The problem is that there is a loophole in this law that still allows for the trade of hippo ivory! Will you sign on to this petition to ask the UK to also ban hippo ivory trading?

It's so great to see so many countries fighting to poaching of animals like elephants, but the demand for ivory products is still really high. That means that if folks can't trade elephant ivory, they will set their sights on other animals, including hippos. It's projected that the ban on elephant ivory will just increase the trade in hippo ivory in the UK. And while elephants are dwindling at only 400,000 left, hippos are even closer to extinction at only 130,000.

Hippo ivory looks a lot like elephant ivory and is being imported into the UK in the form of ornaments and instruments, forms of ivory that are legal to trade. This kind of loophole doesn't make any sense. If lawmakers are serious about cracking down on the heinous amount of poaching of endangered animals, they need to close the loophole, right now.

Sign on the tell UK lawmakers to immediately close this loophole that endangers hippos!
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