Punish peace officer for cruelty to animal

  • by: Paula Buck
  • recipient: Richland County Police Department

on the last weekend of oct 2013 a kitten was found in wahpeton nd cold, wet, and a hurt leg but otherwise okay. As per our town protocol police were called to bring the stray kitten out to the Dakota vet shelter. Peace officer Dustin hill responded, the girl put the kitten in the cage  and Dustin hill left with the kitten. Those who found the kitten called the vet to say they wanted to hold a fundraiser to get his leg fixed so he could find a home only to find no kitten had been delivered. When confronted, they were first told by Dustin Hill that he had problems putting him in the cage and he ran away, well neither could be true because he left with him in safely and the kitten could not run.when the chief of police was contacted they were then told that Dustin hill had said he had actually just took the kitten used his gun while on duty and shot the kitten he told the chief of police he did so due to the kitten had a head wound, which was not true. Dustin told the chief he told the first story to the ladies because he did not want to upset them. this kittens life was ended needlessly and cruely and judged to be ended by a non veterinarian. Dustin hill is not qualified to say this kitten could not be healed and live a full life. our concern with his blatent disregard for animal life is also that he is in care of the PD k9 dog. and with this one can not be positive that he is a fit person to trust to care for the welfare of an animal as their life is so meaningless to this man. aK9 should be with someone who respects an animals life as much as any human partner as he IS his partner. 

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