Ban Declawing in Manitoba

Declawing is an inhumane and painful veterinary procedure that involves the amputation of the  distal phalanges, the bones at the end of a cats paws. This causes a multitude of problems for your feline companion. Some of these consequences are: arthritis, difficulty walking or using their paws, unable to use the litter box due to pain, behaviour problems such as biting or depression, infection, and ultimately euthanasia. Many cats who have had this procedure end up in shelters often due to the behavioural problems that occur after the procedure. There are many alternatives to this procedure. For example trimming your cats claws every few weeks, using products such as Soft Paws that is a soft vinyl covering that lasts up to six weeks (many veterinarians and pet suppliers will offer this service), providing proper cat scratching materials that are placed properly in the living area.

Currently, there are 38 countries who support this ban, making it illegal to declaw your pet. Manitoba is among many of the provinces in Canada that are behind in this matter. Please help support those whom can't speak for themselves by signing this petition. 

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