Every day, millions of animals die every day from abuse and neglect. The people responsible often go free, with no justice for the animal they hurt. It breaks my heart, because I see people everyday locking up their animals, hitting them, leaving them out in the freezing cold or in the extreme heat, and not feeding them or giving them water. I see animals walking in their own feces and urine, fleas plaguing their bodies, ribs showing, and matted fur. They dont get wormed, or get any shots, and so many more come into this world because people dont spay and neuter their dogs and cats. I know that some people cannot afford to give their pets all of their shots, and alot of times they cannot afford to get them spayed or neutered. I am one of them. I can't afford to have my dog Brownie fixed. But he doesnt need to be fixed just yet anyway.He is still too youn to impregnate a female. I dont have any money to take him to the vet to get him vaccinated. But I do at least give him some worming medicine. I try my best to feed him good dog food, I love him and I care for him and thats more than I can say for other people.

These poor creatures deserve to have a loving home, where they get lots of love, they get fed, they are able to be clean, and where they are not beaten or neglected or abandoned. Yes, I know that some people cannotSome states are taking measures to protect their animals from pain and suffering. Tennessee has a statewide animal abuse registry. Georgia needs one too.

Just as a sex offender’s registry helps protect children and adults from pedophiles, molestors, rapists, an animal abuse registry would be a giant step towards protecting, sheltering, and loving animals. Shelters, kennels, pet shops, individual owners, breeders, vets, law enforcement, and, most importantly, the animals, will know that the person they are being placed with is never going to hurt them. If this proposed bill were made into a law, anyone convicted of animal abuse would have to register their name, address and photograph with law enforcement. This computerized list would then be available to breeders, shelters, and stores so that they can check it before sending an animal home with someone. If a person does not check the list before a sale, adoption, or fostering, or knowingly gives an animal to someone on the list, they would be held responsible.

Please take action to protect our state's animals and people by signing this petition to strongly urge the Georgia General Assembly to create an animal abuse registry.

Every day, millions of animals die  from abuse and neglect. The people responsible often go free, with no justice for the animal they hurt. It breaks my heart, because I see people everyday locking up their animals, hitting them, leaving them out in the freezing cold or in the extreme heat, and not feeding them or giving them water. I see animals walking in their own feces and urine, fleas plaguing their bodies, ribs showing, and matted fur. 

These poor creatures deserve to have a permanent home, where they get lots of love, they get fed, they can be clean, and they are not beaten,neglected or abandoned. They cannot defend themselves, so it is up to us to defend them Some states are taking measures to protect their animals from pain and suffering. Georgia needs to be among those states.

Just as a sex offender’s registry helps protect people from pedophiles, rapists, molestors, an animal abuse registry would be a giant step towards protecting animals from abusers. We need to know if someone is going to hurt our animals or has hurt our animals.Anyone convicted of animal abuse would have to register their name, address and photograph with law enforcement. This computerized list would then be available to breeders, shelters, and stores so that they can check it before sending an animal home with anyone. If a merchant does not check the list before a sale or knowingly gives an animal to someone on the list, they would be held responsible.

Please protect our state's animals and people by creating an animal abuse registry.

Update #68 years ago
I am in tears you guys. Over 90,000 signatures? Wow! If yall keep this up, we'll reach our goal in no time!
Update #58 years ago
OH MY GOSH! Over 13,000 signatures and counting? Just a week ago, I had around six thousand, I go on spring break with no access to care2 and I am surprised with over 7,000 more signatures! You guys rock! Thank you so much!
Update #39 years ago
Hey guys, I want to hear from you! I want to hear what your thoughts are on this petition! I want to hear what YOU think can make this petition better so I can attract more people to sign it! my email, is sierramarieboshart@gmail.com, you can contact me on facebook,just be sure to tell me who you are. My facebook is Sierra Marie Boshart. I would very much like to hear from you! And remember to share my petition on all your social media websites!
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