Norway: Help Protect The Critically Endangered Norwegian Wolf from being recreationally shot!

  • by: Pam Staffell
  • recipient: Climate and Environment Minister Vidar Helgesen

Last Friday 4th March Norwegian's press The Local stated Norway's government had paved the way for recreational hunting of wolves, a policy reversal that incensed green campaigners seeking to protect the endangered species.
Pressured by farmers and parliament, Climate and Environment Minister Vidar Helgesen presented a draft amendment expanding the possibilities for killing wolves, even in areas where their presence is officially tolerated.
Until now, only predators that represent a "potential nuisance", by attacking sheep and other livelihood, have been allowed to be killed.
The draft amendment also allows under certain conditions slaughtering "for recreational and cultural considerations, among others".
"Changing the law to shoot more endangered animals is outrageous, especially in the so-called eco nation Norway," said Nina Jensen, the head of the WWF in Norway.

I would like to petition the Climate and Environment Minister Vidar Helgesen to reverse any further policies on recreational hunting of Norwegian wolves and I would like to gather signatures to support this petition.

Update #18 years ago
Thank you to all that have signed this petition. We raised 1000 signatures in a day. If you can, please share. Norway CANNOT be allowed to shoot wolves for recreationally purposes.
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