Make Chicago a No-Kill City!

Chicago Animal Care and Control euthanizes over half of its pit bulls. These deaths can be prevented if the city puts its funds and energy into working with programs that increase pet adoptions.

Aldermen Edward Burke and Ray Lopez introduced a resolution in a March City Council meeting to encourage Chicago's shelters to adopt "no kill" policies. The resolution was quickly adopted by the rest of the council and supported by Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Though suffering animals could still be humanely put out of their misery, the policy would see euthanasia as a last resort and would concentrate on finding homes for healthy animals. This means cats and dogs wouldn't be put down just to free up space in a shelter.

There are other options available to prevent overcrowding in shelters, such as fostering, transferring animals to other shelters, and raising awareness about adopting animals. Please sign the petition to urge Chicago Animal Care and Control to follow the City Council's recommendation and adopt a no-kill policy!

I am concerned that Chicago Animal Care and Control euthanizes animals to free up space in shelters. I believe that these deaths can be prevented if the city puts its funds and energy into working with programs that increase pet adoptions.

Aldermen Edward Burke and Ray Lopez introduced a resolution in a March City Council meeting to encourage Chicago's shelters to adopt "no kill" policies. Though suffering animals could still be humanely put out of their misery, the policy would see euthanasia as a last resort and would concentrate on finding homes for healthy animals. This means cats and dogs wouldn't be put down just to free up space in a shelter.

There are other options available to prevent overcrowding in shelters, such as fostering, transferring animals to other shelters, and raising awareness about adopting animals. I respectfully urge you to make Chicago a no-kill city. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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