Tennessee – Move Forward With Stiffer Penalties & Felony Animal Cruelty Charges

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Tennessee State Legislators

It is admirable to note that several states throughout the United States have changed their laws to ensure stricter charges and penalties for anyone guilty of animal cruelty crimes.  Tennessee is among one of the first states to take such action this year but with numerous crimes against animals throughout the state, charges and penalties are still lacking in the protection of these defenseless creatures.  Read more on these issues and animal cruelty laws at https://www.animallaw.info/statute/tn-cruelty-consolidated-cruelty-statutes, http://www.wsmv.com/story/24015597/alleged-mufreesboro-animal-abuse-raises-questions-of-tn-law, http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/PDF/AnimalCrueltyLaws.pdf

Tennessee law states that anyone who intentionally or knowingly tortures, maims or grossly overworks an animal; fails unreasonably to provide necessary food, water, care or shelter for an animal in the person's custody; abandons unreasonably an animal in the person's custody; transports or confines an animal in a cruel manner; or inflicts burns, cuts, lacerations, or other injuries or pain is guilty of a crime against an animal.  However, the charges and appropriate penalties are minimal and do not fit the crime.  Unless this changes, animals continue to face eminent danger. 

I propose that any and all crimes of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect or abandonment be classified as a felony with appropriate penalties.  Penalties should include no less than longer jail sentences, higher fees, possible acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal industry such as sales, care, breeding and treatment. Additionally, such abusers need to be banned for lifetime of working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their lives. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it must be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust.  There is never a reason to intentionally harm an animal.

The purpose of this petition is to urge Tennessee State Legislators to move forward with efforts to escalate charges and penalties for any and all forms of animal abuse from the first and subsequent offenses, ensuring those guilty are charged with a felony.  Doing so will hopefully make people think twice before abusing an animal.  You can help with this purpose by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own thoughts and comments on the protection of animals.

Tennessee State Legislators – It is admirable that you are among one of the first states to take such action this year but with numerous crimes against animals throughout the state, charges and penalties are still lacking in the protection of these defenseless creatures. More needs to be done that will hopefully make people think twice before abusing an animal.  I propose that any and all crimes of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect or abandonment be classified as a felony with appropriate penalties.  Penalties should include no less than longer jail sentences, higher fees, possible acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal industry such as sales, care, breeding and treatment. It may also be advisable to require psychological counseling for repeat offenders because there is a documented connection between animal cruelty and human violence. Such abusers also need to be banned for lifetime of working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their lives. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it must be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust.  There is never a reason to intentionally harm an animal and humans need to do more to protect them.

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