To Florida State Senate and House of Representatives:
Dear State Congressional Members --
As you may be aware, Senator Joe Gruters has proposed a bill that would make it a first degree misdemeanor in Florida for people to leave "a dog outside and unattended during a man made disaster or a natural disaster."
In 2017-2018, three hurricanes have devastated Florida and its residents. Many hundreds of companion animals also suffered and died. Those dogs left tied to a pole or dog house when their families evacuated had no chance at all.
How anyone could leave an animal tethered in a yard during a hurricane is hard to understand, but it happens during every major disaster. Sen. Gruters' bill, SB 1738, would criminalize this type of abandonment.
We the undersigned urge all Florida lawmakers to vote to approve SB 1738. As Sen. Gruters noted, dogs need a "fighting chance" to survive if they're left behind during a disaster.
Thank you for giving this issue the attention it deserves.