We must save Legacy of Skywalker! and Legacy of Solo!
Like in Old Canon!
Dane Dehaan is almost 100% similar with young Luke Skywalker!
He must be Skywalker' Son! and Darth Vader's GrandSon!
Son of Luke
Padawan of Ezra
Boyfriend of Darkside Girl (Daughter of Snoke!)
George Lucas tell that
Son of Luke must fight with son of Solo!
Son of Luke and Son of Solo!
Angel and Demon
Light and Dark!
(Like Thor and Loki)
Rey is Balance!
Next Chosen One!
She Must Stop This War!
Dehaan and Hamill as Son and Dad!

Mara Jade Skywalker (Wife of Luke Skywalker!) Ex Emperor Hand.

Luke and Snoke
Son of Luke + Daughter of Snoke!
Dane DeHaan + Jodelle Ferland

Skywalker and Solo Families of old canon 
Daughters of Snoke! like Evil Girls!

New Jedi Order (Before Star Wars Episode 7)
Knights of Ren are Ex Jedi Knights!

P.s Many many years later!
Cade Skywalker (great great great grandson of Vader)
(great grandson of Ben Skywalker (Dane Dehaan))
We must Save Skywalker and Solo Families!

Sorry for my not very good English.