Sign the Petition: Ban Fracking on Public Lands! Protect our Environment!

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From the Campaign Bobby Mahendra Candidate US Senate for Nevada:

Fracking has already caused serious damage to our public lands and precious climate. By the end of 2014, oil and gas companies had leases on over 34 million acres of public land, and over 200 million more acres are currently being targeted for drilling – even areas that surround America’s most precious National Parks and monuments.

No amount of regulation will protect us from the impacts of fracking. The only way to protect the health of our communities, the integrity of our land and the future of our planet from the risks of fracking is to ban it altogether.

Sign the petition to ask your members of Congress to support and co-sponsor the bill to ban fracking on public lands.

Bobby Mahendra Candidate for US Senate Nevada
Environmental Team
Earth Watch
Democrats of America

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US Senator Candidate Bobby Mahendra for Nevada

Dear Members of the U.S. Congress,

We must ban fracking on our vast and cherished public lands to protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, the health of our communities and the planet on which we all depend.

There is no amount of regulation that can make fracking safe. Regulated fracking still results in harm to people's health, accidental spills of toxic waste, air pollution, earthquakes, drinking water contamination, habitat destruction and worsening climate change. In addition, the Government Accountability Office reports that the majority of high-risk oil and gas wells drilled between 2009 and 2012 have never been inspected. Public lands, nearby communities and our planet are paying the price.

I ask that you take strong action now to safeguard our communities, our environment and our climate for current and future generations by supporting Protect Our Public Lands Act. POPLA would ban all fracking in future and modified leases on federal lands. We urge you to sponsor this measure and work to help make this landmark legislation law.

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