Tell New Jersey- Don't Kill Geese

  • by: Animal Advocates
  • recipient: Township of Lacey Administrator, Mayor, Commiteemen and women,Recreation Director

The mayor and officials of Lacey Township, New Jersey, have announed that this spring they intend to kill Canadian geese.

Their plan will pay the USDA's Wildlife Services division to capture the geese when they are molting and are unable to fly. The geese are bound and placed in gas chambers where they die a slow painful death from suffocation with carbon dioxide gas.

Not only is this extremely cruel and painful suffering to the birds, it is also ineffective,- as the areas are almost immedialy re-populated with new flock of Canadian geese.

We encourage Lacey Township to cancel this senseless killing and try humane methods of birth control and habitat modification. Another suggestion is to play a recording of other birds which prey on Canadian geese to deter them from the area. A recording would cost about $300 dollars, as opposed to the $6000 Lacey Township is willing to pay the USDA's Wildlife Service.

Veronica Laureigh

Township Administrator

Office of the Municipal Clerk

Phone: (609)-693-1100, ext 2200 or ext 2235

Mayor Marl Dykoff

Deputy Mayor David E. Most

Committeewoman Helen Dela Cruz

Committeeman Gary Quinn

Committeeman Sean Sharkey

Township of Lacey

818 West Lacey Road

Forked River, NJ 08731
Phone: (609) 693-1100

Lacey Township Recreation Department
Jim Wioland

Recreation Director

818 West Lacey Road

Forked River, NJ 08731

Phone: (609) 693-1100 Ext 2203

Fax: (609) 242-9423


The mayor and officials of Lacey Township, New Jersey, have announed that this spring they intend to kill Canadian geese.

Their plan will pay the USDA's Wildlife Services division to capture the geese when they are molting and are unable to fly. The geese are bound and placed in gas chambers where they die a slow painful death from suffocation with carbon dioxide gas.

Not only is this extremely cruel and painful suffering to the birds, it is also ineffective,- as the areas are almost immedialy re-populated with new flock of Canadian geese.

We encourage Lacey Township to cancel this senseless killing and try humane methods of birth control and habitat modification. Another suggestion is to play a recording of other birds which prey on Canadian geese to deter them from the area. A recording would cost about $300 dollars, as opposed to the $6000 Lacey Township is willing to pay the USDA's Wildlife Service.

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