The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) still governs several companies that are currently using live animals in their labs to test foods. The CFSAN is associated with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which oversees various lab testing and results. We are working to stop the use of animals in such tests.
Not only dogs but other animals are used in food testing, although rodents are more typically the animal of choice for lab experiments. Not only are the animals required to ingest foods for testing, they also may have something placed on their skin or in their eyes to determine the effects of the item. Sometimes, the test are escalated to get better results, even though these tests are not needed to prove food safety.
Some of the products tested on live animals includes Splenda, Lipton Tea, Goji Berries and artificial colors. With Splenda, not only were the animals tested, the product caused severe impact to their nervous system. Often times, they animals were confined to their cages, undergoing other testing, leading to the death of the animals and donation of their organs.
Other testing can lead to toxicity and other abnormalities. You can read the full specifics and results of animal testing at According to the FDA, some other ill effects of food testing on live animals includes diarrhea, convulsions, severe pain, paralysis, and sometimes death as stated on
Let’s help these animals by encouraging these companies through the governing of the FDA and CFSAN not use live animals in their food testing and other lab experiments. Sign and share this petition as we speak out for these animals and attempt to stop companies in using them for experiments and testing.
FDA and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) – Stop using live animals for lab experiments and food testing. Such testing causes the animals undue discomfort, distress, abnormalities, illness, convulsions, diarrhea, and often leading to death. This is clearly animal abuse and cruelty. Stop using live animals in any type of experiments that includes food testing.