CT Residents Demand Laws To Keep Our Horses From Slaughter

Horse slaughter is the most heinous and inhumane form of animal abuse and cruelty known within the USA. Every year we send 130,000 horses to Mexico and Canada for slaughter. Our own USDA reports that an appalling number of these horses are dismembered while still conscious. While sitting in lots owned by "kill buyers" on their way to slaughter these horses have their eyes poked out, lose limbs and eyes and end up tremendously beat up, whipped, starved and deprived of clean water. Social media and phone cameras have shown us the truth.
It is time Connecticut's politicians are held accountable for their lack of action to protect our horses. It's time they stop pretending that horse slaughter is "necessary" and ok.
Demand laws that protect our horses from entering into the slaughter pipeline without our explicit signed consent. Require transparency and accountability of all horse buyers, barns, persons or people as to the disposition of any and all equines they purchase for resale and/or use other than personal. Demand laws requiring contracts horse buyers must have signed by seller agreeing to allow their horse to potentially be sold for the intended purpose of slaughter.
Demand our politicians PROVE TO US that horse slaughter is wanted by their constituents when 80% of Americans surveyed object vehemently to horse slaughter. Demand laws NOW!!!

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