Restore the health of our oceans
To the naked eye, our oceans are beautiful. However, a 2006 report in the journal Science tells us that 29 percent of our fisheries have already collapsed. In addition, the scientists' projection of current trends shows all of the world's current fisheries collapsing by 2048. But we can keep this projection from coming true - we can change how we manage them. Indeed, we really have less than 40 years to act - if we fail to act in the next two decades, we could see the trends become irreversible.
Tell President Bush to protect our oceans so that the next generation can also enjoy their bounty.
I was blown away be the recent scientific projection that the world's fisheries could be gone by the year 2048. As a nation with a large fishing industry and a growing population, we have a responsibility to be leaders in the fight to save our oceans. Your declaration to end overfishing last year was a step in the right direction.
I understand that your administration received a "C-" on protecting our oceans from the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative. One area where your administration continues to receive criticism is in funding ocean conservation and management. The 2008 budget request was well below what is needed for a true commitment to protecting and restoring our oceans.
Your administration has achieved significant steps forward in ocean conservation - such as the designation of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands as a national monument and the protection of over 500,000 square miles of Pacific waters from destructive trawling. However, more work needs to be done. Education, research and international leadership need to be substantially improved.
As you know, oceans play a central role in the global warming crisis, and time is short to turn things around. I ask that you take great strides in the remainder of your term to conserve our oceans, by restoring fish populations, protecting sensitive ocean habitat, reducing pollution and combating global warming.
I believe it is irresponsible and unacceptable for us to exploit this wonderful resource at the expense of future generations. I'm sure you agree and will do everything in your power to restore the health of our oceans.
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