Say NO to

  • by: San Matajs
  • recipient: Randy Paynter, Care2 Founder, CEO

There's no such thing as humane farming because there's no such thing as humane killing and humane exploiting.

Wake up people.

Stop farming (eating dairy and meat).
Urge Mr. Randy Paynter to remove "humane" animal farming giveaway. Yes, maybe these animals have a little bit more room and a little bit less antibiotics in them, but lets face it: they still get slauthered in the end and they still get exploited. Big time. I wouldn't want to be impragneted all the time just so you could have your daily milk. I wouldn't want to have my child happily bounce in the meadow just so you could take him/her away to have your "specal" lamb chop meal. And I wouldn't want to be called a product. No animal should. That is not a life. It's a fancy prison with a death robe and a caring and significant site as care2 should not support it. 

Are you with me or are you with me?!

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