Urge Clark County Commissioners to Stand Up for The Las Vegas Farm!

The Las Vegas Farm, home of Barn Buddies Rescue, provides holistic care and shelter to abandoned farm animals.

The Las Vegas Farm's business license application is currently under review by the Clark County Commissioners and needs their full support to be approved.  Obtaining this business license is critical for The Farm.  By signing this petition, you will help to influence the Clark County Commissioners to approve the business license for The Las Vegas Farm.  

If you have ever visited The Farm, please let us know in your comments below your signature.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Please support and approve the business license applications for The Las Vegas Farm. These licenses are absolutely vital to the survival and purpose of The Farm and the continuation of Farmers Sharon and Glenn Linsenbardt's daily operations.

The licenses allow them to open their gates to the public and enable visitors to purchase local, fresh produce, honey and eggs – all extremely rare finds in Las Vegas. The proceeds earned from such sales, in turn, help feed, house and provide veterinary care for The Farm's precious creature residents.

If, for some reason, the licenses are not approved, Sharon and Glenn will not be able to afford all of The Farm’s operational expenses and will be relegated to close their gates and search for new homes for the majority of their rescued animals.

Supporting The Las Vegas Farm is a prosperous win from any perspective. Las Vegas families have the opportunity to experience "farm life," to learn about farm animals and to have access to healthy, fresh produce and products. The Las Vegas Farm is a selfless and indispensible cause, well worthy to support. I urge you to please help keep this local treasure alive, and enable Sharon, Glenn and The Las Vegas Farm to continue their operations.

Update #110 years ago
The Commissioners meeting is tomorrow! Please share this petition if you can to get more signatures for The Farm and Barn Buddies Rescue!
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