Funko Pop! Plans To Dump Hundreds of Thousands of Toys Into Landfills

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Funko Holdings CEO and Director Brian Mariotti
Funko Holdings, which owns the iconic Funko Pop! figurines, announced that the company is suffering financial losses. In fact, the corporation overestimated production, and had to buy additional warehouse storage last year just to find a place for excess products. So, what is Funko's plan to address this problem? To throw $30 million of toys away, since it doesn't want to pay to store them anymore.

Our planet is already drowning in plastic, and there are countless children whose families cannot afford to buy them toys. What in the world does Funko Holdings think it's doing?

Sign now to demand Funko Pop! CEO and Director Brian Mariotti stop the cycle of overproduction and get the surplus toys to kids in need!

If a company overestimates demand and produces tens of thousands more products than necessary, people who run the company should take responsibility. The last thing our Earth needs is to choke on more plastic. The planet should not have to bear the consequences of Funko's careless mismanagement!

Funko Pop! CEO and Director Brian Mariotti's net worth is $50 million -- the least he can do is try to prevent more unnecessary plastic pollution. Mariotti must commit to stopping this cycle of rampant overproduction in his company and ensure these excess toys go to kids in need, not the landfill! Sign the petition now if you agree!

Funko Pop! Target, Pics by Mike Mozart
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