While visiting the fabulous and historic West Side Market in Cleveland, Ohio recently, I noticed the market wasn't nearly as crowded as it had been in visits during previous years. I asked a couple of vendors if business was less since the COVID-19 pandemic, and they confirmed that YES, it was/is. I asked if business had improved at all during the summer, and they said NO, it had not. I asked if their landlord had provided rent relief recently because of the lessened business, and they said NO. I asked who their landlord was, and they replied: the City of Cleveland.
The City of Cleveland, Ohio, WILL SURVIVE without full rent payment from these vendors, some of them here for more than one generation. These vendors, all small, family-owned business, MAY NOT survive financially during the pandemic and should not be at risk of leaving the market because of same rental costs and severe decrease of business. These people and their services and wares deserve relief, help, and protection! Please sign this petition to the City of Cleveland Public Works Division to let them know you support the vendors at the West Side Market and ask for their rent to be reduced for the duration of the pandemic. A news source reported in April that relief was provided by the city to them for the months of April through June.