• by: Adam Nunes
  • recipient: Ministere -Justice India


India trembles Elephant Raju. Beaten and tortured for years by his master, the animal had wept when an association freed him from his chains in July. But after almost two months of independence, its former owner intends to recover the animal through the courts. The hearing was held Thursday in Allahabad in northern India.

The plight of Raju the elephant is not over. July 4, after more than 50 years of torture and abuse, the pachyderm was released from the cruelty of his owner by the Indian association of Wildlife SOS. The tears he had shed as he walked to freedom had moved the world. Freed from his chains, he was placed in a pen with five females of his species in the park conservation and care of elephants Mathura in north India. It might not stay there long. His former teachers have launched a legal battle to get it back, saying that the animal is their "very legitimate," reports the "Daily Mail". Raju's fate hangs on the decision of the court of Allahabad, which rules from Thursday.


For half a century, Raju has traveled the trails of northern India with over 27 different masters. The elephant, extremely thin, had many wounds and scars of torture by its owner and was day by tourists and passers-by on his back in exchange for a few coins. The leg mutilated by the pungent chain around him, Raju ate plastic bags and packaging to survive. The hair on his tail were also uprooted and sold as good luck charms on the market. It took a year and a dedication of the association for the protection of fauna and flora of the London Wildlife SOS to escape the clutches of his tormentor master. Friday, July 4, a team of veterinarians, police officers and park rangers came to end the suffering of the animal. The spokesman of the association told the "Daily Mail" of a "very moving" rescue and claims that Raju might even shed a few tears of relief when he was released from his chains. "Raju led the last 50 years a miserable existence, chained round the clock, an act of intolerable cruelty," said Pooja Binepal.

Al say that India is not the vision we have trater animals in the 21st century


Update #110 years ago
25 nov. 2014 — Raju's case was called to be heard in court on November 21st, however, Mr. Shahid (Raju's ex-owner) and his lawyer were absent again! Thus, the case has been withheld and there is a possibility that if Mr. Shahid is not present or represented in court at the next hearing the case might get dismissed (fingers crossed).
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