A lifetime of chemo, but New Jersey has banned me from medical marijuana

  • by: Cindy Bronman
  • recipient: New Jersey Legislators, Gov. Chris Christie

I am a single mother of four and a grandmother who has to undergo chemo for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis for the rest of my life. Yet I do not qualify for medical marijuana in New Jersey.

New Jersey only offers medical marijuana for a small number of conditions. I have been undergoing chemo for the past 5 years, yet I'm banned from using the plant. I also have 8 herniated discs, a ruptured disc, disc degenerative disease, fibromyalgia, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. 

I take my chemo on Sundays, and I am sick for two days after. Marijuana could relieve my symptoms, but instead, I am forced to suffer from nausea and vomiting.  I've lost 10 pounds in the past week alone. I suffer from chronic headaches and hot and cold sweats, which are caused by the chemo but almost never go away. 

There are many people in NJ like myself with their own medical problems who are also banned from using a medicine that could help them.

Please sign my petition to urge New Jersey legislators to help people like me and expand the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana!

Qualifying for medical marijuana is extremely difficult in New Jersey, as the list of qualifying conditions is disturbingly small. That means New Jersey residents like Cindy Bronman can't get the medicine they need to relieve chronic pain and other ailments.

Cindy must undergo chemotherapy for the rest of her life to treat her lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, yet she doesn't qualify for medical marijuana in the state of New Jersey. She has been on chemo for five years and also has eight herniated discs, a ruptured disc, disc degenerative disease, fibromyalgia, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. All of this, and she can't access a medicine that can help her.

Marijuana could relieve Cindy's symptoms, but instead, she is forced to suffer from nausea, vomiting, chronic headaches, and hot and cold sweats.

New Jersey residents deserve access to medical marijuana. We the undersigned urge you to introduce legislation expanding the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana in New Jersey, adding mental illness, chronic pain, and any other conditions for which medical marijuana provides relief. Thank you.

Update #59 years ago
AMAZING NEWS: A doctor saw my Care2 petition, found a loophole, and I HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA!! But we still need to convince New Jersey to expand the list of qualifying conditions for others like me! Please share on Facebook to ensure no one else has to go through what I went through getting this treatment! >> http://on.fb.me/241jnd1
Update #49 years ago
Omg cant believe the respone this petition has had!! Well i have AMAZING NEWS a doctor saw the petition and subsequently the news paper articles and contacted me!! I HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA!! I dont know if she found a loop hole or what but im approved. I am going to keep the petition open in hopes that it will help others! If you would like her name and number let me know!!
Update #39 years ago
I cant believe the responce i have received you guys are amazing lets keep it going keep sharing and maybe we will get Govenor Christie too listen!! Thank you for all your support. 🇺🇸 its should be our choice not the government!!
Update #29 years ago
Omg Over 30,800 signatures and still going strong!! I cant thank you all enough you signing it means the world to me. 💜💜💜💜💜 Together we will get NJ to listen!!!
Update #19 years ago
I wanted to thank EVERONE that signed my petition over 10,000 and going strong!! Please keep sharing. The more signatures the better. MAYBE WE CAN GET OUR GOVERNOR TO LISTEN!!!
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