BP: Come Clean in the Gulf!
- by: Aaron Viles
- recipient: Robert Warren "Bob" Dudley, CEO, BP
Five years ago, BP gave the Gulf the largest offshore oil disaster in history. On tax day, the government is giving BP billions in tax breaks!
Five years ago, the world watched in horror as BP spilled over 4 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The impacts of the disaster still aren't clear, but wildlife from endangered Kemp's ridley sea turtles to bottlenose dolphins have taken a significant hit, and are still working to recover.
Meanwhile, experts are estimating that 80% of the money BP is spending to help fishermen and the environment recover in the Gulf is tax deductible. This means on tax day, while we're filing our taxes with the IRS, BP is saving at least $10 billion!
This is outrageous. Taxpayers shouldn't be subsidizing BP to make payments to fisherman, or rebuild habitat that their oil destroyed. While BP is figuring out their tax break, they're also claiming that the Gulf is recovering, even though agencies actually leading the restoration process disagree, and say it's far too early to tell.
Just last month a 25 thousand pound tar mat was found on a Louisiana barrier island, and another island, a critically important rookery for brown pelicans, has disappeared completely, thanks to BP. Sign the petition now, and demand BP comes clean in the Gulf.
BP must stop its campaign of denial, deception and obstruction, and finally come clean. Four years after the 2010 drilling disaster, as the ongoing impacts of Deepwater Horizon become more and more apparent, it is appalling and unjust that BP is funding a PR campaign to misrepresent the true impacts of the catastrophe.
BP may be willing to challenge scientific studies, claim “active cleanup” is over, and downplay the tarballs and tar mats that continue to show up along the Gulf coast, but the voices of the Gulf and the nation will not be silenced. We demand an end to BP’s deception and call on you to own up to the damage and restore the Gulf!
Update #19 years ago
We tried to deliver your signatures to BP at their Houston headquarters on the
5th memorial of the BP disaster, but the company wouldn't accept them! On Earth Day, please share the petition and help us get over 150K signatures to BP demanding they come clean in the Gulf and stop lying about the clean up.
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