Barnaby Joyce is in charge of animal welfare in Australia. But he also condones greyhound racing, factory farming, and the barbaric live export of animals. He must be removed from this portfolio NOW!

Federal Minister for Agriculture Barnaby Joyce, it totally infuriates the Australian people, to learn that the government refuses to end live export. These poor animals are crammed into the bowels of cargo ships, by the millions every year, bound for over sea countries on journeys that can take weeks, months or languishing at sea, never being allowed to dock.

Did you know or care that more than 2.5 million, innocent Australian animals have been trampled to death or died from dehydration, starvation or disease on these gruelling voyages? Did you know or care that thirty sheep and cattle died recently when the ship carrying them was stranded for a week in the port of Fremantle?

No Australian animal should leave our Australian shores unless packed in freezer boxes from Australian Abators. We are calling for jobs to stay in Australia, for Australian workers. We are angry that monies from our Super Funds are what you are using to assist and invest in these over seas countries, to ‘fix’ their slaughter houses and practices. Why not invest in our own country?

However we Australians would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank, one of the largest suppliers of animals to the Live Export market Elder. On the 14th September 2016 they announced that they will be pulling out, of Live Export! Their reason Mr Joyce: ~
"The Export Supply Chain Assurance Scheme introduced in 2012 has failed, and we continue to see distressing evidence of animal cruelty on board these ships. We will continue to work closely with animal welfare groups like Animals Australia, and unions including the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union, in calling for an end to the live export trade. I will meet with the AMIEU soon to discuss our campaigns to end live animal exports and expand local jobs.”    For the full story, visit this website.

You are the reason for the suffering that does not end for those innocent animals who survive the voyage, because you, Mr Joyce allow these animals to be shipped to these countries that have virtually no laws to protect them. These living, breathing Australian animals endure abuse and methods of slaughter that would be illegal in Australia. They are cruelly dragged by their legs, kicked, hit with chains, tied up and thrown in the boots of cars, bashed to death with sledge hammers or steel bars, and have their throats cut while they are still conscious. And you Mr Joyce condoned all this heinous animal abuse to continue, you are shaming our country! You are going against millions of appalled Australians....

NOW WE ARE INFORMED: Friday, September 16, 2016
That you, of all the Ministers, have been given the port folio as the Minister for Animal Welfare?
Is this a sick joke?

You are now defending the Live Export and wanting to expand it, as Minister of Agriculture, condoning the barbaric animal abuse, on the one hand. One the other hand Minister Barnaby Joyce you are the ‘protector’ of these same animals as Minister of Animal Welfare? You have never called to account or prosecuted, stopped any of the atrocities suffered by Australian animals, ever. In fact you have done your utmost to keep it all happening!

The fact that when you became a Federal Minister, one of the first acts you did as Minister for Agriculture was to abolish the Australian Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, who were the group trying to improve the treatment and abuse of animals. You openly condone factory farming, greyhound racing and the list goes on and on. Also the backing of the “Ag-Gag” Laws designed to ‘confuse the investigations’ into any Animal Cruelty, by charging the people who investigate the abuse, rather than prosecute the perpetrators of the said animal abuse.

This is a pure example of ‘Conflict of Interest’ and the people of Australia won’t tolerate it. It’s just Wrong!

Please, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull re-allocate this port folio to someone else, with ethical standards towards the treatment of our Australian animals. Thank you.

Federal Minister for Agriculture Barnaby Joyce, it totally infuriates the Australian people, to learn that the government refuses to end live export.

These poor animals are crammed into the bowels of cargo ships, by the millions every year, bound for over sea countries on journeys that can take weeks, months or languishing at sea, never being allowed to dock.  

Did you know or care that more than 2.5 million, innocent Australian animals have been trampled to death or died from dehydration, starvation or disease on these gruelling voyages?

Did you know or care that thirty sheep and cattle died recently when the ship carrying them was stranded for a week in the port of Fremantle?

No Australian animal should leave our Australian shores unless packed in freezer boxes from Australian Abators. We are calling for jobs to stay in Australia, for Australian workers. We are angry that monies from our Super Funds are what you are using to assist and invest in these over seas countries, to ‘fix’ their slaughter houses and practices. Why not invest in our own country?

However we Australians would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank, one of the largest suppliers of animals to the Live Export market Elder. On the 14th September 2016 they announced that they will be pulling out, of Live Export!  Their reason Mr Joyce: ~

"The Export Supply Chain Assurance Scheme introduced in 2012 has failed, and we continue to see distressing evidence of animal cruelty on board these ships.We will continue to work closely with animal welfare groups like Animals Australia, and unions including the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union, in calling for an end to the live export trade.   I will meet with the AMIEU soon to discuss our campaigns to end live animal exports and expand local jobs.”

For the full story:  http://www.animalsaustralia.org/media/in_the_news.php?article=5843

You are the reason for the suffering that does not end for those innocent animals who survive the voyage, because you, Mr Joyce allow these animals to be shipped to these countries that have virtually no laws to protect them. These living, breathing Australian animals endure abuse and methods of slaughter that would be illegal in Australia. They are cruelly dragged by their legs, kicked, hit with chains, tied up and thrown in the boots of cars, bashed to death with sledge hammers or steel bars, and have their throats cut while they are still conscious.  And you Mr Joyce condoned all this heinous animal abuse to continue, you are shaming our country! You are going against millions of appalled Australians....

NOW WE ARE INFORMED: Friday, September 16, 2016

That you, of all the Ministers, have been given the port folio as the Minister for Animal Welfare?

Is this a sick joke?

You are now defending the Live Export and wanting to expand it, as Minister of Agriculture, condoning the barbaric animal abuse, on the one hand.

One the other hand Minister Barnaby Joyce you are the ‘protector’ of these same animals as Minister of Animal Welfare?

You have never called to account or prosecuted, stopped any of the atrocities suffered by Australian animals, ever. In fact you have done your utmost to keep it all happening!

The fact that when you became a Federal Minister, one of the first acts you did as Minister for Agriculture was to abolish the Australian Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, who were the group trying to improve the treatment and abuse of animals.

You openly condone factory farming, greyhound racing and the list goes on and on.

Also the backing of the “Ag-Gag” Laws designed to ‘confuse the investigations’ into any Animal Cruelty, by charging the people who investigate the abuse, rather than prosecute the perpetrators of the said animal abuse.

This is a pure example of ‘Conflict of Interest’ and the people of Australia won’t tolerate it. It’s just Wrong!

Please, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull re-allocate this port folio to someone else, with ethical standards towards the treatment of our Australian animals. Thank you

Update #57 years ago
I have been asked to extend the petition closing date until the end of SEPTEMBER due to the amount of caring people still spreading the word and signing. Thank you all sincerely.
Update #47 years ago
Thank you to every single one of you for signing this petition! I wanted to advise you all that I will be closing this at the end of this month (June). So if you would be kind enough to share it around to friends and family in case they haven't had the chance to sign, that would be wonderful. I am hoping to have this delivered to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull or to Deputy PM Burnaby Joyce himself soon after. Thank you all again, I sincerely appreciate you help.
Update #37 years ago
Why are we shutting down Abattoirs just to appease Barnaby Joyce's cruelty to support traumatic Live Export, instead of keeping jobs in Australia, with less heinous treatment on ships for livestock?
He is supposed to be the Animal Welfare Minister!
Update #28 years ago
Barnaby Joyce’s Conflict of Interest has Steven Ciobo onside! These animals don’t stand a chance.
Australia's Trade Minister Steven Ciobo has backed new Indonesian laws that will require all meat sold in the Muslim majority nation to be halal certified.
From Oct 2019, Australian cattle & sheep will have their throats cut before or after they are stunned.

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