Save Rocky Raccoon and help him get to a vet

  • by: Morgan F Calvi
  • recipient: Halifax Mayor/Halifax MLA/Wedgeport MLA

I lost a sick dog at the Forest Heights Community School in Chester Basin, NS the last day of classes (June 30th). It is possible he ended up at a Halifax shelter and adopted out as “Horatio”. This dog has the tick disease, anaplasmosis, and needs medication. He is already showing signs of the tick disease, so damage is being done; without ttreatment, he will soon be lame.  The shelter doesn’t test for tick disease, so they may have adopted out a sick dog.  This is the tick disease he has: it leads to other infections which may kill him.  Please help us get him home.

I live in Yarmouth County and am with Search and Rescue.  I was on my way to see the Sydney, Cape Breton Search and Rescue group when he got sick in the car.  I didn't know the area and he was frantic in the car, trying to jump out the window and bolted when I pulled over.  He was overheated and running a fever.  My family and I miss him terribly...not to mention he is sick and is entitled to medical attention (even though he still likes to play). 

What I miss the most is his bouncing up and happy to see me when I got home.  Please help us.  Please. 

Urgent: a Bloodhound X German Shepherd/Beagle mix (Homeward Bound had him listed as a Bassett Hound mix) was probably adopted out after he was in the Halifax shelter and they failed to test him for tick diseases and heartworm. I believe this dog is my Rocky. He has anaplasmosis (a tick disease) and needs to be on medication. This tick disease will lead to lameness and other medical issues if not treated. I was travelling to a Canada Day event with the Sydney Cape Breton Search and Rescue group when I lost him on Highway 103 in Chester, Nova Scotia. He got overheated in the car and ran off. This was on June 30, 2014. "Horatio" ended up in the shelter on that same date. I am convinced "Horatio" and Rocky are the same dog. Hannah, the person who adopted "Horatio" out, spoke with me and I identified marks on "Horatio" that were not in photos they had. How could I do that if they were different dogs? They adopted him out WHILE I was looking for him, yet Hannah and Hope swear they are two different dogs because "Horatio" has more white on his face than Rocky. Pictures of Rocky they were comparing, were two years old and BEFORE he was sick. The dog in the parking lot is "Horatio" and the picture was taken by workers at Homeward Bound.

Hope Swinimer, owner of Homeward Bound, called me September 22, 2014 complaining I said she didn't test "Horatio" for a tick disease and wanted me to delete that comment. I called my missing dog, Rocky's, vet's office, Tri County Animal Hospital, and they said he would always test positive for anaplasma phagocytophilum (
If the two dogs are the same, "Horatio" would test positive for the tick disease. Hope swears the dog she had tested was negative for the tick disease...yet she will not send me the papers from the vet showing this.

I am with Yarmouth County Ground Search and Rescue and was training him for private K9 Search and Rescue. Please return my dog to me. I did not ever surrender him. He ran off sick. Please call with any information: 902-663-2287. I just want him questions asked. I know whoever does have him has seen at least one of his posts by now. If you do have him, I want to thank you for keeping him safe...but he needs to be back here with me. I never gave him up. He got sick and ran off. Please, give him back. Do the right thing. I will even pay you what you paid to buy him. Please send any replies to I am not receiving replies right otherwise. Thanks and have a great day.

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