Google Has the Power to Stop Running Ads for Climate Denialists!

Widespread misinformation about climate science is no accident. The number one reason that people in the United States still remain skeptical about human contributions to climate change is because of the billions of dollars spent funding denialism. Just ten digital publishers produce the majority of climate change denial online, and Google is still running ads for all of them. 

It is completely unacceptable that Google is promoting and profiting from such harmful disinformation. Sign now to demand that Google stop running ads for digital publishers that profit off of climate denialism! 

We are currently at a climate tipping point. For decades, scientists have been warning legislators that the planet is reaching a point of no return -- where climate feedback loops will cause warming that is virtually unlivable, spiralling humanity into a fight for survival. Previously dystopian depictions of mega-storms, water scarcity and the loss of huge swaths of farmland now represent a real, potential future: unless we act on climate right now. 

One of the biggest barriers to climate policy is climate denialism, which has misinformed millions of Americans and allowed legislators to continue to take donations from the oil and gas industry while claiming to be "skeptics." In order to act on climate, the majority of Americans must believe that climate change is happening and understand the existential dangers it poses all of us. The denialist movement must be shut down in order to move forward on crucial, long-overdue climate policy.

Google has an ethical obligation to stop promoting unscientific lies at the behest of the fossil fuel industries. Sign now to tell Google: stop running ads for the digital publishers that promote climate denialism!
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