Demand Urban Outfitters, Saint Laurent, & Brioni To BAN FUR Immediately!

  • by: Mel
  • recipient: Urban Outfitters, Saks Fifth Avenue, Saint Laurent, Brioni

I want to Expose the Appalling Discovery with Everyone on the Fur Farm Horrors in Russia where Urban Outfitters is Allowing and Secretly Hiding the Mutilation of LIVE RABBITS. PETA ASIA has captured Shocking Videos and very graphic depictions of the Massacres on behalf of these Live Animal Beings.

Imagine awaiting the final moments of these innocent beings locked in a cage, facing full fear of inhumane treatment and suddenly having their HEAD Sawed Off as they Screetch in Unimaginable Pain and Suffering, covered in Blood? These are the lives an Innocent Rabbit awaits for its Horrific Fate at the hands of Nordstrom. Live Rabbits Are Decapitated in Gruesome Horror for their Fur.

I Urge you all to please be enlightened by this Revelation and demand Urban Outfitters to Ban Fur Immediately from their stores.This Terrible Animal Treatment is Now Taking place. Hundreds of these sensitive and Caring beings are being Bludgeoned to Death for their fur in Extreme Torture Methods. Stop these stores from continuing with Live Animal Mutilation and Allow for this to Continue. Rabbits feel every pain inflicted upon them and deserve our compassion. Please Stand up and be a Voice for the Voiceless. END Animal Suffering Now!

Here is PETA's Shocking and Disturbing Footage of the Reality Behind Fur Farm Horrors: Viewer Discretion is Advised.


PETA urges Nordstrom to stop selling fur after expose reveals horrific treatment of animals on Russian fur farms:

Update #23 years ago
Saks Fifth avenue announced it will stop selling Fur by 2023. URGE This Retailer to Ban Fur Now!!! Thousands of innocent animals are still being Electrocuted, Gassed, and Skinned Alive for their Fur. Stop Saks Fifth Avenue from these Continuous Massacres on behalf of Animals Happening Now to Ban Fur Immediately!!!
Update #14 years ago
Nordstom has announced they will Ban Fur until the End of 2021. Urge Nordstrom to Cease and Shut Down Production from Russian Fur Farms Immediately to Release these Rabbits, Minks, and Foxes being Held Captive at Russian Fur Farms to Sanctuaries Immediately!! BAN Fur NOW, not by the End of 2021. DO NOT Allow these Innocent Animals to Continue Suffering and be Decapitated, Bludgeoned, Beaten, and Tortured in Gruesome ways. BAN FUR NOW!
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