To : To The Minister of Rural Growth and Food and also President of the Board of Kryoneri's Community.

In 2008 seven innocent beings are killed by poison baits inside our yard.

Of course the people who did this horrible act remained unpunished because nobody has seen them personally.

These humans who happen to unfortunately be our neighbours have  threatened us recently, that in a month, they will poison again our doggies unless we take them ALL from our place.

We are a very small Animal Welfare Organization and we have no help from the local authorities, no donations etc.
We are struggling to save streets dogs because in Kryoneri, a village in the Northern suburbs of Athens, they are brutally killed .So we must take them in our homes until we can find adoptions for them  because the Community refuses to built a shelter according the Law 3170/2003 and get to the Ministrys program. So we must feed and treat more than 50 stray dogs in the whole area and numerous cats, by ourselves.

We have also to deal with abused dogs by the farmers, chained in lousy conditions used as scarecrows in the fields, doggies inside coops for watching the chickens, abandoned starving hunting dogs and so many other mistreated animals.

Please urge the Minister , the Community and the Local Police Department to protect us and our strays from the horrible acts of cruelty by unscrupulous people who are a major threat not only for us and our  strays but for the whole Society.

Also ask to the Ministry and the Local Community to build a shelter and finance the rehoming of our strays.  We are only volunteers spending precious, time, money and strength. We believe that is Greek States duty to apply the Law and help us efficiently in our difficult task.
Please help the dogs of Kryoneri Greece.
Thank you

We the undersigned :
Respectfully request that the Minister of Kryoneri
1. Offer full protection to any persons who take into their homes and care for the stray animals of Kryoneri .
3.That any persons found guilty of placing poisoned bait be fully punished under Greek Animal abuse laws.
4 .That a shelter / sanctuary be set up in Kryoneri offering proper veterinary care and the neutering of stray animals , and that the municipality fund the shelter and assist with adoptions of dogs.
5. Supply suitable transport with employed driver to enable the humane capture of stray animals to transport them to the shelter .
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