The picture above tells a story just look into his eyes.
Fear, uncertainty, trapped, that is how we would feel if caged like this, not only caged, but in many cases abused constantly, often dying of their injuries.
RSPCA in Australia has really no power to control Animal Abuse, we need Stronger Laws to protect Animals from Abuse, even severe cases do not get handled properly due to Laws not being in place for Animals in this country...
Fines are handed out, but Long term jail sentences are needed to Stop the vicious acts upon pets.
It's time to stand up for those who can't, if we can reach our target we can pressure our RSPCA and associtaed authorites to make people responsible for their actions towards animals...
Please send this to anyone who you think may be caring enough to Sign!
If you care about animals, you will feel as I do when I see another story about an innocent animal abused at the hands of mankind.
This violence towards animals to me is an act of cowardice.
Other abuse at the hand of man is often driven by money, any abuse should not be tolerated.
The RSPCA and associtaed authorites in Australia need to make people responsible for their actions.
Please send this to anyone who you think may be caring enough to Sign!
Australia's Animals need ALL the Help they can get.
Help animals change things & have a better life with us humans....
Update #310 years ago
Nearly half way to our goal, a bit more effort and we will make it, Hopefully we can do this for all Abused Animals, they need our Help !
Update #210 years ago
Nearly half way to our goal, a bit more effort and we will make it, Hopefully we can do this for all Abused Animals, they need our Help !
Update #111 years ago
Over 200 Signatures in less than 12 hours, we are doing well, but we need loads more people to change our laws, Thank you again for your support.
Is there anyone else that you may know that may benefit our cause, please send this petition to as many as you can..