Bring Lizard Lick Towing Back to TruTV

For years, Ronnie and Amy Shirley have spent their lives travelling, inspiring millions of people around the world. Using Lizard Lick Towing on TruTv as a platform to change the world, many times giving up time with their own family to do so. In light of recent events, TruTV has slow rolled filming the new season of the show. This petition is to show TruTV that we all want Lizard Lick Towing back.

So why should you sign this petition?

Well. Ronnie and Amy Shirley are inspirations nationally and internationally. Amy, who is a retired powerlifter and MMA fighter, spends countless hours working with Children and the elderly, because she wants to help those who can't help themselves. Ronnie, an evangelist, travels around the world, preaching the Gospel of Christ, and doing motivational lectures at schools and other events. Both have a passion to help each other, and sacrifice a lot in order to do so. 

While they will continue to preach and inspire after the show, we want to keep their show, so they can continue to grow their fan base and help spread their area of influence. As Ronnie always says, "God puts us here, but fans keep us here." Let's all come together and show TruTV that we want Lizard Lick Towing back on!

Our first goal of this petition is 10,000 signers. This will show the base interest, and we will continue to expand our petition as people continue to support. We thank you for your help, and we hope you will share this with your friends and family, so we can continue to show support to Ronnie and Amy. 

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