NO REASON OTHER THEN SUPERSTITION AND WIVES TALES, White Rhinos are being slaughtered, we in the western world are educated and know that a rhinos horn will not make man genitalia larger or make you powerful or more healthy however a certain few cultures truly believe this and are paying obscene amounts of money for Rhino's horns.!! USELESS KILLINGS, and they are barbaric they will cut off a mothers horn leave her to bleed out slowly while a baby will lie besides his mother crying watching while she bleeds out slowly, they baby use to be "safe" as his horn is not worth anything its not fully developed, however the other day they killed the calf just becaseu, the rangers are now soldiers with out support or hardly any support from the government, its a war, and those innocent beautiful creatures are dying for no reason ..none and it makes me so angry and frustrated, My Partner went and adopted a white rhino now only if we all did, maybe it would make an is so ridiculous we spend and allocate our funds in so many unnecessary places I petition the Canadian Government to use the summits , use a huge convergence and demand that government inflict harsher jail terms, and for use to send funds over , lets not give so much to those cause we have beaten and nothing happens, I say you kill a rhino you should face life in prison . What will happen is our babies will be like the dinosaur a memory and pictures, we can make a change and difference now and someone has to take the first step, our canadian influence is seen and heard world wide, if we do it then others will---LETS NOT TOLERATE IGNORANCE AND UNEDUCATED MASSACRE OF THE WHITE RHINO!! COME ON CANADA LETS BE INNOVATIVE AND SAVE THEM!!