Billionaire Elon Musk wants to cut and destroy social safetynet programs for the poor, while giving himself and his fellow billionaires huge tax breaks. Let's show him WHY it is unwise for businessmen of his stature to dabble in such divisive politics, by boycotting "X" (formerly Twitter) and ALL OTHER Musk-affiliated products and companies. It is a fact that social media companies are valued in large part based upon the number of active, REGISTERED users that they can boast. Our goal is to halve the number of REGISTERED users on "X" over the next 30 days, which will have the effect of cutting the value of this already-near-bankrupt company in half over that same time period. THIS WILL get Elon's attention for sure, and make him think twice next time. It will ALSO cause his bankers and investors to take note as well. There is strength in numbers, and THIS IS HOW "WE THE PEOPLE" CAN RECLAIM OUR POWER, and MAKE OUR VOICES BE HEARD, LOUDLY, AND CLEARLY, so if you haven't already done so please DEACTIVATE your accounts on "X" TODAY, and pass this petition on to your family and friends as well....