Lower Speed Limit on Lakeview Dr Williamstown Ky

This petition is asking for the current speed limit of 25mph to be lowered to 15mph due to child safety.

This petition is written for the purpose of lowering the current speed limit of 25mph on Lakeview Drive to purposed limit of 15mph. Many families in our subdivision have children that enjoy spending time playing outside.  During the times they enjoy playing is the busiest time of day for traffic.  Several times there are drivers, who do the speed limit, but put our children at risk.  It is proven that larger vehicles take a longer amount of time to come to a complete stop at certain speeds.  Today many more people are driving the bigger vehicles.  The roads are fairly narrow.  On many occasions there have been vehicles parked on either side of the road.  This allows only one car to pass at a time.  If by some chance a small child is playing ball and the ball happens to roll into the road the vehicles don%u2019t realize in an adequate amount of time, and don%u2019t have time to stop.

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