Animal cruelty is unfortunately a crucial issue nationwide, and some legal steps need to be implemented to put a stop to these crimes against poor defenseless creatures. Animals have no voice against cruelty and abuse but an animal abuse and cruelty registry would be an important tool in the prevention of future abuse. The optimum goal is to stop the abuse state by state, all working together with such a registry until a national registry against animal abusers is created to stop these crimes nationwide.
An Arizona lawmaker has proposed a registry for convicted animal abusers in past years and months but the suggestion has met with opposition for some reason. You can read more at There are numerous cases of animal cruelty throughout this state and something needs to stop these crimes. You can read
Animals need us to be their voice in protecting them from current and future abuse. The proposed registry would be similar in stature to that of the sex offender’s registry that would highlight any crimes against animals, listing the convicted animal abusers name, location and full criminal history. In addition to preventing repeat animal cruelty, an animal abuse and cruelty registry would also prohibit convicted abusers from a lifetime of ever owning or even caring for any animals. There are too many benefits in such a registry that would speak out in favor of all animals who cannot defend themselves or be heard.
Our efforts in this petition is to encourage all state legislators to get on board with an animal abuse and cruelty registry, taking that all-important step in protecting all animals from criminals with little regard to life and humanity statewide. The hope is that such a registry would become a national plan in saving animals. You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition, speaking out for animals and protecting their well-being.
Arizona State Lawmakers – Proposals have been presented in your state regarding an animal abuse and cruelty registry with the same stature and effectiveness as that of registries for sex offenders, child and elderly abusers. However, such a suggestion has met with opposition but the criminal offenses against animals continue in horrific numbers. Such a registry would protect all animals throughout your state from repeat animal abuse and cruelty, additionally ensuring that people on the registry are prevented from any future lifetime interactions or ownership of any animals. Anyone convicted of animal abuse and cruelty needs to be on the registry for a lifetime, unlike the proposal as a method of preventing further cruelty to animals and humans since there seems to be a distinct link between the two. Protect the weak and voiceless from crime and move forward immediately with an animal abuse and cruelty registry.
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