Stop Wolf Trophy Hunting Near Yellowstone Park!

  • recipient: Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission
Hunters are slaughtering Yellowstone's wolves at the Montana border!

Take action if you want to close this area to hunting, and protect these precious wolves once and for all!

"Since the state of Montana took over management of gray wolves from the US Fish & Wildlife Service in 2011, wolves in the state have been classified as a game species.

"In recent years, wolves from prominent packs have been shot leaving Yellowstone National Park. Most wolves killed in Wolf Management Unit 313 are animals following migrating elk out of the park," reported

One of the casualties in this war on wolves was a famous and beloved alpha female from Yellowstone's Canyon Pack called White Lady, who was shot and left to suffer for countless hours until park staff found her and ended her pain.

Don't you want to end the massacre of Yellowstone's wolves?

Then add your name to demand that the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission close the border with Yellowstone National Park to wolf hunting!
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