Save and Rescue and Rehome; this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog

  • by: Ashes God_sChild
  • recipient: Butler County, Ohio; Sheriff Rhichard K. Jones and the Middletown Ohio County Animal Control

Save and Rescue and Rehome; this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog. I would like to see something done about this issue because it Not only concerns this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; but also the young girl child and the poor "parenting"; and mismatch of this Dog and child and of the "owners" of this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; this concerns the welfare and basic Safety of this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and that of the young girl child; and the poor "parenting"; and mismatch of this Dog with this "family", the display of the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; towards the young girl child; is a means of showing "aggression" and a means to get the young girl child to leave Him alone; I strongly believe that this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; is Not suited of and for this young girl child to interact with; nor the "family" and Home that He is currently residing in. I would like the Butler County; Ohio Sheriff K. Jones and the Middletown Ohio County Animal Control or Animal Shelter and Humane Society to do something on behalf of this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; on behalf of His Welfare and Safety and on behalf of the young girl child's Welfare and Safety. this issue seen and captured on video and posted on facebook; makes me upset, sad, and also angry. I want something done to positively change this situation and the living conditions of this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; No Dog should have to pay the price of and for the "family's" or "owner's"; poor judgment, negligent behavior and endangering behavior and potentially dangerous situation and circumstance and conditions by which "their" Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and the "parents" own young girl child is placed. this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog should Not have Blood on His Jaws nor Paws because of irresponsible "owners" and irresponsible "parenting"; both the Lives of the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and young girl child are in danger because of this; this Dog does Not need to pay the price of human idiocy and stupidity and negligence; nor does this young girl child have to suffer an unfortunate Dog bite; because of Her naivety. please Help me to positively intervene on the behalf of both the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and on the behalf of the young girl child; both whose Safety and Welfare are at risk. this is a dangerous situation with potentially dangerous outcomes which I strongly believe can be prevented if this poor Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; was Saved and Rescued and Rehomed; to a Better Home and Family that would suit His needs and personality; preferably one without children; who are at risk and potential risk of endangerment and Dog bites; please Help Save and Rescue both this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and this young girl child.

I originally found this emotionally upsetting and sad and sickening video posted on facebook; under a group called; Homeless German Shepherd Dogs; here;

since I Am Not a current resident of Ohio; nor that of Middletown, Ohio; I Feel as if I cannot Act on behalf of this case and issue. I would like to see something done about this because No Animal should have to pay the price for a human's idiocy and stupidity and lack of proper judgment and especially reckless endangerment of that of a Dog and young child. just witnessing and seeing a facebook video is more than enough for me to take Action. I Will Not stand for this type of negligent; endangering and reckless endangerment behavior of Dog "owners"; a "family"; nor "parents"; and the Acts of proper and knowledgeable "parenting". this is just wrong and Needs a Voice of and for both the Dog and the child; whose Lives are in danger and are at potential risk of and for endangerment. please Help me to make a positive change of and for and on the behalf of both this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and this young girl child; before both must pay a needless price of Dog bites and Blood on the Jaws and Paws of the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and child hurt, harm, and reckless endangerment.

I strongly believe that this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; needs to be; Saved and Rescued; and Rehomed; and that the Middletown County, Ohio; Animal Control and Sheriff and Animal Humane Society need to intervene; and this poor Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; needs to be placed into a breed specific Rottweiler Rescue if Not placed Safely into the hands of the Middletown, County, Ohio; Animal Control and Sheriff of Butler County; Ohio; who can Help reverse the horrible outcome of this ugly and unfortunate situation that I've seen posted openly upon a facebook page.

I would like some Help with this issue; as I Am Not a current resident of Ohio; nor of Middletown County; and I strongly Feel that something besides a mediocre show of abhorrent reckless Animal and Child endangerment posted upon facebook is enough to really do something and make a positive and Life Changing; change and outcome of and for both the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and the young girl child; both whose Lives are in danger. please Help me Stop and End this tragic outcome that I foresee in this emotionally upsetting, sad, and tragic, facebook video.

here are some possible links provided by which may Help; Middletown County, Ohio Dog Warden and Humane Officers page; and that of Butler County; Ohio.

Middletown County; Ohio. Animal Shelters page;

and the Middletown County; Ohio. Official City page;

also the a facebook page that link the video of the Rottweiler and Rottie; and young girl child; abuse, negligence, and reckless endangerment and potentially Life endangering; video of the Dog and the young girl child; mismatched with this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and "family"; and the poor "parenting" choices and decisions displayed in this video; found here on this facebook page;

please if You or Anyone You may know who lives in the town of Middletown; Ohio. or You; Yourself are a current Ohio resident; please Help me to take and make positive Action and Change and potentially Save and Rescue both the Lives of the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and young girl child; this is an Animal Safety and Welfare Issue and also that of Child Safety and Welfare. this was very emotionally upsetting for me to watch and just seeing a video of this kind of abuse; negligence; and reckless endangerment and dangerous circumstance and situation is more than enough of and for me to take Action; I Feel strongly about this and that is why I Am; taking Action and doing something about this Issue. if you Feel the same way or agree; please Help me to Save and Rescue both the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and the young girl child.

thank you for your time and consideration; and for caring about Rottweiler and Rottie Dogs; and young children; sincerely, AshesGod_sChild.

Save and Rescue and Rehome; this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog. I would like to see something done about this issue because it Not only concerns this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; but also the young girl child and the poor "parenting"; and mismatch of this Dog and child and of the "owners" of this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; this concerns the welfare and basic Safety of this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and that of the young girl child; and the poor "parenting"; and mismatch of this Dog with this "family", the display of the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; towards the young girl child; is a means of showing "aggression" and a means to get the young girl child to leave Him alone; I strongly believe that this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; is Not suited of and for this young girl child to interact with; nor the "family" and Home that He is currently residing in. I would like the Butler County; Ohio Sheriff K. Jones and the Middletown Ohio County Animal Control or Animal Shelter and Humane Society to do something on behalf of this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; on behalf of His Welfare and Safety and on behalf of the young girl child's Welfare and Safety. this issue seen and captured on video and posted on facebook; makes me upset, sad, and also angry. I want something done to positively change this situation and the living conditions of this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; No Dog should have to pay the price of and for the "family's" or "owner's"; poor judgment, negligent behavior and endangering behavior and potentially dangerous situation and circumstance and conditions by which "their" Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and the "parents" own young girl child is placed. this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog should Not have Blood on His Jaws nor Paws because of irresponsible "owners" and irresponsible "parenting"; both the Lives of the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and young girl child are in danger because of this; this Dog does Not need to pay the price of human idiocy and stupidity and negligence; nor does this young girl child have to suffer an unfortunate Dog bite; because of Her naivety. please Help me to positively intervene on the behalf of both the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and on the behalf of the young girl child; both whose Safety and Welfare are at risk. this is a dangerous situation with potentially dangerous outcomes which I strongly believe can be prevented if this poor Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; was Saved and Rescued and Rehomed; to a Better Home and Family that would suit His needs and personality; preferably one without children; who are at risk and potential risk of endangerment and Dog bites; please Help Save and Rescue both this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and this young girl child.

I originally found this emotionally upsetting and sad and sickening video posted on facebook; under a group called; Homeless German Shepherd Dogs; here;

since I Am Not a current resident of Ohio; nor that of Middletown, Ohio; I Feel as if I cannot Act on behalf of this case and issue. I would like to see something done about this because No Animal should have to pay the price for a human's idiocy and stupidity and lack of proper judgment and especially reckless endangerment of that of a Dog and young child. just witnessing and seeing a facebook video is more than enough for me to take Action. I Will Not stand for this type of negligent; endangering and reckless endangerment behavior of Dog "owners"; a "family"; nor "parents"; and the Acts of proper and knowledgeable "parenting". this is just wrong and Needs a Voice of and for both the Dog and the child; whose Lives are in danger and are at potential risk of and for endangerment. please Help me to make a positive change of and for and on the behalf of both this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and this young girl child; before both must pay a needless price of Dog bites and Blood on the Jaws and Paws of the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and child hurt, harm, and reckless endangerment.

I strongly believe that this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; needs to be; Saved and Rescued; and Rehomed; and that the Middletown County, Ohio; Animal Control and Sheriff and Animal Humane Society need to intervene; and this poor Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; needs to be placed into a breed specific Rottweiler Rescue if Not placed Safely into the hands of the Middletown, County, Ohio; Animal Control and Sheriff of Butler County; Ohio; who can Help reverse the horrible outcome of this ugly and unfortunate situation that I've seen posted openly upon a facebook page.

I would like some Help with this issue; as I Am Not a current resident of Ohio; nor of Middletown County; and I strongly Feel that something besides a mediocre show of abhorrent reckless Animal and Child endangerment posted upon facebook is enough to really do something and make a positive and Life Changing; change and outcome of and for both the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and the young girl child; both whose Lives are in danger. please Help me Stop and End this tragic outcome that I foresee in this emotionally upsetting, sad, and tragic, facebook video.

here are some possible links provided by which may Help; Middletown County, Ohio Dog Warden and Humane Officers page; and that of Butler County; Ohio.

Middletown County; Ohio. Animal Shelters page;

and the Middletown County; Ohio. Official City page;

also the a facebook page that link the video of the Rottweiler and Rottie; and young girl child; abuse, negligence, and reckless endangerment and potentially Life endangering; video of the Dog and the young girl child; mismatched with this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and "family"; and the poor "parenting" choices and decisions displayed in this video; found here on this facebook page;

please if You or Anyone You may know who lives in the town of Middletown; Ohio. or You; Yourself are a current Ohio resident; please Help me to take and make positive Action and Change and potentially Save and Rescue both the Lives of the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and young girl child; this is an Animal Safety and Welfare Issue and also that of Child Safety and Welfare. this was very emotionally upsetting for me to watch and just seeing a video of this kind of abuse; negligence; and reckless endangerment and dangerous circumstance and situation is more than enough of and for me to take Action; I Feel strongly about this and that is why I Am; taking Action and doing something about this Issue. if you Feel the same way or agree; please Help me to Save and Rescue both the Rottweiler and Rottie Dog; and the young girl child.

thank you for your time and consideration; and for caring about Rottweiler and Rottie Dogs; and young children; sincerely, AshesGod_sChild.

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