Stop Japanese Whaling

Whales have dominated the seas for countless years. They have lived through the worst of times. Now, man has come. This intelligent and gentle creature that once inhabited all the oceans of the world is now in grave danger from overhunting, garbage, and sound pollution.

In 1982, the International Whaling Commission adopted an international ban against whaling. Many countries followed this ban such as USA and England. These countries have stopped because of the ban and because there are now substitutes for whaling. In addition, tests show that whale meat has toxins in it, which could bring up a large amount of health issues. The Japanese have continued to whale.

Many people don't want the meat anymore, so most of it is stockpiled and left to rot. Whaling is not necessary and it would be the best for everyone if it ends. Protect the whales, protect the people, protect the earth.
We, the undersigned, ask the Japanese to refrain from whaling for the good of the people and whales.
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