To the authorities in Greece:
We, the undersigned, strongly urge you to start protecting your animals against people that torture and murder the animals of Greece. Enforce the laws to severely punish those that abuse the animals. Stop the poisoning of strays, we are well aware of the hundreds of animals that are poisoned prior to tourist season, their bodies loaded onto trucks and buried in large pits so that tourists won't see them. We are also aware of the thousands of starving animals that are abused in horrific ways: hung, puppies thrown in trash bins, dogs burnt alive, acid thrown on them, poisoned, gutted, objects jammed into their body cavities, mouths wired shut so they cannot drink or eat, limbs cut off, all these horrific acts have been documented. We urge Greece to pass legislation immediately protecting these animals, to set up shelters, to spay and neuter, to find homes and to teach the people that animals are our gift, they are our treasures, they are not dirty and disgusting as many people are taught to believe. Read up on the history of Greece - dogs played a very important role in the history, they protected the farms and the people, what has happened to your country? Until the animals are taken care of, tourists around the world will not be spending their money and visiting, there are many beautiful places to vacation where hearts are not broken, read this site, you will read where tourists vowed never to return because the memories of Greece are not the beautiful oceans and countryside but instead their memories are of dogs trapped on short chains that are imbedded into their skin left out in the sun without food or water never to be set free, until you teach your people how to properly care for their animals, you will be seeing no tourists!
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