An Appeal for the Voiceless

  • by: Bonnie Dawson
  • recipient: Pass Animal Protection Act in Canadian North -NWT and Nunavut
Currently the Northwest Territories and Nunavut do not have an Animal Protection Act.

Every second of each day in the Canadian North, dogs and cats, both mature and very young, suffer needlessly at the hands of negligent owners, who care nothing for their health, welfare or care.  Without proper Legislation in place this situation will continue to go unabated and without consequence to those criminals who inflict such terrible suffering. Dogs and pups,  will continue to freeze to death in sub-zero temperatures tethered to chains. The mature and the very young, cats and dogs, will continue to be dumped in an unforgiving wilderness left to suffer an agonizing death, or be tormented and abused in their own backyards and on the streets.

Prosecution under the current Criminal Code of Canada BillS-203, is not being stringently enforced and Community By-Laws do not provide for adequate criminal charges being laid against animal abuse offenders.

We call upon the elected members of  both the GNWT  and Nunavut Legislatures to produce and enforce an Animal Protection Act which will live up to the Standards of Animal Protection as contained in the Criminal Code of Canada and the numerous Provincial Acts already in force.

We also call for the strict enforcement by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police of the current Bill S203 under the Criminal Code of Canada to be applied to all cases of animal abuse in the Canadian North until such time as the GNWT and Nunavut Legislatures pass and enforce an Animal Protection Act.
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