Shut Down Lipstick Alley Forever

  • by: The Truth
  • recipient: Public Online Community & Celebrities

This forum by the name of Lipstick Alley has got to be shut down for good. Over the past year I have seen some of the vilest and disgusting insults sent to other users for them simply asking a question, posting their opinions respectfully, or having different views from the majority. This site has been in operation since 2001 and originally was a site for groupies to post their personal encounters with celebrities which they call "spilling tea." However, this site has become a site for bitter black women to bully other posters and constantly degrade each other on a daily basis. The moderators of the site are a joke too because they do NOTHING about it. Most time they pick sides and participate in the arguments. I also want to make you all aware that the moderators CAN read private messages between users. I guess this is how they keep drama going on Lipstick Alley. This is something you NEVER see on international or mainstream blogs such as Yahoo, CNN, MSNBC, TMZ, Hollywood, People, etc. If the comments get too bad they usually will shut down the comment section for the day or for longer periods of time. Lipstick Alley is a site full of black people who preach "black unity" but they constantly attack and degrade other black people with the black cultural beefs (Black Americans vs. Foreign Born Blacks), interracial dating beefs, bashing of other races, and the bashing of black celebrities. The posters who claim to have juicy inside gossip on celebrities are usually frauds hiding behind the "incognito" button posting FALSE information about these celebrities and some of these celebrities careers are being ruined by this site, especially the black celebrities. Two black male celebrities that come to mind is Ice Cube's son, Oshea Jackson Jr., and Michael B. Jordan. The thing is, a lot of these urban entertainment blogs get their information from Lipstick Alley. Media Take Out practically STEALS their information from that site, which is why 98% of the stories are FALSE. I'm hoping that as awareness about this disgusting forum becomes more public that these celebrities (pretty much all of the black celebrities) that have been dragged through the mud on the site with vicious lies can come together and put that site out of business! Maybe once Lipstick Alley gets shut down, then we can focus on cleaning house with some of these urban blogs as well that do nothing but make our people look like the scum of the earth. World Star Hip Hop anyone? I rarely visit these sites anymore. I only hear about them through others or if I just happen to stumble across them from time to time. Let's make a difference! For the record, just go to YouTube or Google and type in "lipstick alley" in the search box and look at what so many others have said about that site. It's time for it to go! Please share this petition with anyone who you feel is tired of social media bullying, stupidity and ratchets, rampant cyberspace trolls, and urban coonery and buffoonery.

Lipstick Alley got sued a few years ago by Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed.

Dear everyone, I would love for not only the general public but also celebrities to support this very important petition to get this forum Lipstick Ally banned because this site promotes slander, death threats, racism, and all kinds of nastiness between people. This site slanders celebrities' reputations and they enjoy embarrassing people up there who have different opinions on things. The moderators who are supposed to moderate the site encourage the rampant negativity and this site has been called out many times on YouTube and other personal blogs. I would like to put an end to such negativity, especially on these types of urban forums and blogs. We may not be able to ever get rid of every negative forum or blog, but we can start with one of the most disgusting ones to date, and that's Lipstick Alley! If you care about the future of the Internet please sign and share this petition. I feel we have to start somewhere so let's take action now!

Update #29 years ago
Thank you for your continued support! However, is it possible for this petition to reach even more people? Keep spreading the news! Thanks again!
Update #19 years ago
Thank you all for supporting this petition! If possible, could you share this petition with as many people as you can? Thank you hopefully we can make a difference! I

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