47 States Don't Have This Simple Law That Could End Puppy Mills

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Every state besides California, Maryland, and Maine
We all know puppy mills are horrible: they are factories where people breed and even inbreed animals and treat them horribly just to make money off of them. Well, two states figured out a great way to disrupt the flow of neglected animals: ban pet stores from carrying animals that come from these commercial breeders. While we are thrilled that California, Maryland and Maine have taken this step, there are still 47 states where animals are suffering. 

Will you sign the petition to ask every other state to follow suit and pass a law preventing pet stores from carrying puppy mill animals?

Thankfully, Massachusetts and New York have legislation in the works. It's important that we show our support for those laws and start to put pressure on the rest of the states to follow suit. The laws that currently exist around puppy mills are sparse, not enforced or nonexistent. The bills that don't allow the sale of dogs from commercial breeders also cover cats and rabbits, so it's a really comprehensive law. 

The conditions at puppy mills will make you cry: animals are stuffed into cages, denied exercise, appropriate food, proper healthcare and appropriate socialization. Because the mills are also trying to make more money, they often inbreed their dogs to try to keep breed "purity" and this ends up creating animals that are extremely sick from having their family trees being too incestuous. 

These animals have no voice. If we don't speak for them, they will continue to suffer. The reason these horrible breeders exist is because people are still buying animals from them. That's why it's so smart to not allow pet stores to sell them.

Please sign on to help disrupt this cruel industry of animal abuse and ask every state to pass a law preventing pet stores from selling puppy mill animals. 

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