Wicomico County Council - Make Legislation to Help Dogs in Peril

  • by: Cher Goodchild
  • recipient: Wicomico County Council President At-Large John T. Cannon, VP At-Large Matt Holloway

This dog is JUST ONE dog in Maryland called into our rescues on January 19, 2016. The law considers this box adequate shelter. No flap. No bedding. A short chain and nights that have been below 20º F. In Wicomico County, this is acceptable. A freezing dog… eating trash. Rescue advocates have even found his water bowl frozen. The owner refuses to accept offers for placement - and she refuses to bring him inside. This dog is lonely and neglected, but Animal Control is powerless to do anything about it because the law says it's "adequate."

Even in your warmest winter gear, you would not want to be sleeping outside in 16º wind with frozen water. Nobody deserves that.

Neighboring states have implemented legislation against abuses like this. For example; in Delaware it's illegal to have a dog outside for more than 18 hours in a day. It's not great, but it's a start.

Wicomico County Council - PLEASE CONSIDER ANIMALS LEFT OUTSIDE by creating legislation that would give Animal Control the power to remove animals in peril. This would include defining "adequate" shelter, limiting the amount of time an animal can be outside on a chain and requiring animals be brought indoors when the weather is inclement, or excessively hot or cold. 

SIGN • SHARE • CARE about animals in Wicomico County!

John T. Cannon, (R)
Council President At-Large
30303 Dixon Road
Salisbury, MD
Office: 410-548-4696
Cell: 410-251-3282

Matt Holloway (R)
Council Vice President At-Large
27585 Little Lane
Salisbury, MD 21801
Office: 410-548-4696
Cell: 443-366-5490

End cases like these. There is no excuse for it. 


John T. Cannon, (R) 
Council President At-Large
30303 Dixon Road
Salisbury, MD 
Office: 410-548-4696 
Cell: 410-251-3282

Matt Holloway (R)
Council Vice President At-Large
27585 Little Lane
Salisbury, MD 21801
Office: 410-548-4696
Cell: 443-366-5490

Dear Sirs;

As an animal rescue advocate, I get reports of abuses daily. Slowly, we are making progress by holding absuers accountable, and getting helpless animals into safe and loving homes. We can't do that without your help. In Wicomico County, adequate shelter is any box - with or without a door or bedding, and there are no laws regarding the length of time an animal can be kept outside. 

I am asking for your help in creating legislation that would give Animal Control the power to remove animals in peril. This would include defining "adequate" shelter, limiting the amount of time an animal can be outside on a chain and requiring animals be brought indoors when the weather is inclement or freezing. 

Thank you for taking time to respond. Animals deserve better.

Update #48 years ago
Passing a Tethering Ordinance in Your Community - learn how!
Update #39 years ago
GREAT NEWS - Goodness Spreads. Indianapolis is on board!
Update #29 years ago
Working on a dog in Leechburg, PA. Lives on an open porch 24/7. Frozen water... bottom of a cardboard box. No bedding. You can see his spine. Police have been out 4 times, but there's no Humane Officer for Armstrong County. We've spoken to no less than 10 organizations - all referred us to someone else. Meanwhile, this guy is alone every day. All weather.

WE NEED HELP! SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Sign the petitions. Call officials. Use FB. Make it so that we cannot be ignored!
Update #19 years ago
I've been reading through comments last night & this morning & my heart is overwhelmed to know there are so many compassionate souls out there. Feel free to take my words & create a petition for legislation in your own county. Nothing should be neglected or abandoned. No living thing wants to die - and the loneliness they feel is as real as ours.

Another case just this morning:

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