Help Make a Difference for our Ocean Planet!

To United Nations and World Government Leaders:
Help make a difference for our ocean planet!
Whereas everyone on our planet is connected and affected by the oceans;
Whereas the world's ocean covers 70% of our planet, yet less than 1% of our ocean habitat is protected;
Whereas the ocean plays a critical role in maintaining the planet's ecosystems and is essential to human health and well being;
Whereas it is critical to educate the public, and promote stewardship among children and adults alike;
Whereas ocean environments around the world are collapsing, primarily due to over-fishing, pollution, and unsustainable coastal development;
Whereas the ocean's rich diversity of life belongs to all citizens of the world; and
Whereas on June 8 there has been an unofficial celebration of the oceans around the world for 12 years...
I endorse a United Nations resolution to declare June 8 as WORLD OCEAN DAY as a means each year to celebrate the world's ocean and its rich diversity of life; highlight global ocean awareness, education and action programs to promote a healthy and productive ocean; and remind nations, governments, businesses, and individuals of their responsibility to protect the world's living ocean and conserve its resources for present and future generations.
I join the initiative locally, nationally and internationally to celebrate and recognize World Ocean Day each year.I/We, the undersigned, endorse a United Nations resolution to declare June 8 as WORLD OCEAN DAY as a means each year to celebrate the world's ocean and its rich diversity of life; highlight global ocean awareness, education and action programs to promote a healthy and productive ocean; and remind nations, governments, businesses, and individuals of their responsibility to protect the world's living ocean and conserve its resources for present and future generations. I/We, the undersigned, join the initiative locally, nationally and internationally to celebrate and recognize World Ocean Day each year.
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