Fewer Than 500 of These Rare, Special Frogs Remained in Australia. But Thanks to Scientists' Efforts, Their Population Could Recover!

It's nice to be able to share some happy news about wildlife conservation. In Australia, the rare, small, chunky Baw Baw frogs were once on the edge of extinction. Out of the 38 frog species living in Victoria, Australia, the Baw Baw was one of the most rare. Now, a zoo has led a massive effort to rebuild their population and save their species!

We must urge more government funding to keep this conservation project going! Sign the petition to support the Baw Baw frogs' reintroduction program!

Baw Baw frogs hide under leaves and soil, living in moist forested areas. They used to thrive in eastern Victoria in Australia, but recently their population plummeted by around 98%. Up against the threats of fungal infections, climate change, human construction, and deforestation, the little frogs couldn't cope. As of now, fewer than 500 members of this species are still alive in the wild.

Now, though, scientists are working to help protect them and bolster their numbers again. Through a careful, painstaking breeding program, the researchers within Zoos Victoria eventually grew a population of around 3,000 froglets - tiny little beings the size of a grain of rice - as well as 40 adult frogs.

Over the years, they conducted a variety of smaller reintroduction programs. When those went well, they scaled up their efforts, leading to their current project.

Seeing these scientists' dedication and commitment is truly inspiring. This is the kind of wildlife protection we need to encourage going forward! That's why we're asking the Australian government to increase its funding for wildlife conservation programs. Will you help us by signing the petition?
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