Support Service Learning for Every Classroom in the United States

High-quality service learning is key to helping students become civically engaged citizens who will grow up to be powerful defenders of our planet and all its inhabitants.
While access to high-quality service learning has increased over the last several decades, many students do not have the opportunity to experience it.
Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program is working to provide young people with the knowledge, tools, and service learning opportunities to discover how they can work to improve the environment and the quality of life for people and animals.
These opportunities help students learn real academic lessons while making an impact in their communities by addressing genuine needs.
Join us today and urge the U.S. Department of Education to support programs that give all children access to service learning! Together we can help students become civically engaged leaders, setting them up for success in their lives and careers and creating a brighter future for our earth!
I am writing to support access to high-quality service learning programs for every classroom in the United States. We are fortunate that every day we are innovating and improving students' classroom experiences. And service learning is playing a critical part. Through service learning, students experience high-quality academic lessons in a hands-on and meaningful way while positively impacting their communities by addressing genuine needs.
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Moreover, in an age where information changes by the minute, students need to learn how to find information on their own and know how and be able to distinguish between valid and invalid information. For students to learn how to teach themselves, the concepts they learn in the classroom must be relevant -- and with service learning they can be. Through service learning, students answer questions such as, "Why is this information relevant to me?” and "How will this help my larger community?"
Through high-quality service learning programs, students have the chance to make what they are learning in their classrooms meaningful to their own lives. I firmly believe that we can improve the nature of education in our country, and around the world, if we make service learning a priority for every classroom.
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