Urge Colorado legislators to invest in our rivers!

Colorado's vast and numerous rivers and streams are part of what make our state so great. But as Colorado's population rapidly grows, we cannot meet future water needs by further draining our rivers.
Many of our most cherished rivers are suffering. The Colorado River, for example, provides water to more than 35 million people across the southwestern United States and Mexico. While transporting water out of this river has allowed Colorado communities to flourish, the dams, reservoirs, and depletions of the river's flow have had significant consequences for the ecological viability of the river and its tributaries.
Although the Colorado Water Plan was finalized in 2015, many of the goals outlined in the plan still currently lack available funding sources. In particular, Colorado needs environmental and recreation projects that improve the flows in our river, benefit fish and wildlife habitat and provide security for our outdoor economy.
We need our legislators to invest more money into projects that directly benefit our rivers. If we don't act soon the consequences for the Colorado River, and others like it, will be severe.
Sign the petition today and urge Colorado legislators to prioritize investing in Colorado's rivers and streams.
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