Demand Wool Producers Aust Deliver a Fair Unbiased Wild Dog Action Plan that Doesn't Vilify Dingoes

  • by: Dingo Tom
  • recipient: Michele Jackson, WoolProducers Australia Project Consultant

WoolProducers Australia are developing a National Wild Dog Action Plan and are seeking public comment.

The draft report which they are seeking to submit has a number of flaws:

* It continues unjust vilification against the Dingo, despite scientific evidence to the contrary. Pure dingoes generally do not prey upon sheep when left in stable hierarchically intact structured packs. Domestic dogs gone wild and foxes are the cause of livestock predation. The Action Plan needs to target the correct problem.

* The Dingo is an IUCN Red-Listed Threatened species. This in itself should drive conservation efforts, not further efforts to make the Dingo extinct. It was originally listed as “Lower Risk/least concern”, but “Improved information since then has resulted in the taxon being reassessed as Vulnerable”.

* The report has misquoted and misrepresented a number of scientific papers in regards to the Dingo (e.g. Dingo has been in Australia for 5000 years when the paper clearly states “4,600-18300” years, claiming the paper states Dingo was introduced when the paper states “it remains to be elucidated”).

* Compound 1080 is reported as being Humane and Selective. This is not the view of the RSPCA, PETA, Humane Society International and many other Animal Welfare Groups.

Tell WoolProducers Australia to get its act together and target the correct problem, stop vilifying the dingo, accurately report the humaneness of animal welfare control issues in their report and properly represent scientific papers they are referencing.

We the undersigned ask that you make immediate arrangements to ensure your National Wild Dog Action Plan stops vilifying the Dingo by:

* taking into full account the numerous and proper scientific evidence supporting the Dingo’s importance to both our eco-system and the survival of other endangered Australian animals e.g. Bilby, Hopping Mouse, Dunnart, Plains Rat.

* that scientific evidence be included in the strategy paper showing pure dingoes generally do not prey upon sheep when left in stable hierarchically intact structured packs.

* that all research papers quoted in your report be properly and accurately represented

* that the report be redrafted and overseen by an independent panel of experts, meaning people without a demonstrated history of public media attacks against dingoes

* targeting the correct problems (wild domestic dogs and foxes) in a humane method

We ask that sheep be farmed in a way safe to Dingoes. There are methods that can be put in place to compensate farmers for proven loss by pure dingoes. The Dingo is an IUCN threatened species with a negative (deteriorating) outlook. We must ensure the Dingoes survival for future generations, we must not have another Tasmanian Tiger.

We are further concerned that Compound 1080 has been classified as being humane and selective. This is not the opinion of Animal Welfare groups, biochemists and many scientists around the world. This is a highly toxic poison (Category 1, WHO) and is used in a manner contrary to WHO guidelines. We request your statements in the report reflect those opinions of recognised animal welfare experts such as the RSPCA.

Please take action to remedy this draft report a matter of urgency. We would then like opportunity (another 60 days period) to review the revised draft report before finalisation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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