Koalas are one of Australia's most iconic species, but tragically are in decline. The 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires burnt across vast swathes of eastern Australia and devastated a significant area of koala habitat. The consequences of this were a primary reason for the species being uplisted from vulnerable to endangered at both the NSW and national level.
The Campbelltown koala population is critically important because it is one of the few NSW koala populations that appears to be growing. Despite being the only population in the Sydney basin that escaped the impact of the Black Summer bushfires, this population is now facing another serious and potentially irreversible threat – a massive housing development and a series of associated road upgrade activities along Appin Road.
Expert koala ecologists have provided reports and representations to government to advise that the proposed developments will have a significant impact on the koala. The impacts include habitat fragmentation and isolation, impediments to safe movement and increased likelihood and risk of vehicle strike. The same ecologists have advised government of specific measures that could be taken to reduce impacts to a level below significant. Despite these measures being achievable, and NGOs and the local community advocating strongly for them since 2019, these calls have fallen on deaf ears.
Time is running out for this population of iconic koalas! Please help by adding your voice and calling on the federal Environment Minister, The Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP to exercise her powers within Australia's environment laws and ensure the preventative measures are part of the conditions placed on this development approval.
Thank you for adding your voice to help save this critical koala population!
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