Tell EPA: Let’s Get to Work!

Far too much pollution continues to ravage the Bay and its rivers threatening our health, economy, and way of life. And until recently the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) failed to uphold its Clean Water Act requirements to protect these waters. Specifically, it failed to require Pennsylvania to develop and implement a plan to meet its commitments to reduce pollution under the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint.

That's why in 2020, CBF and partners took EPA to court. Now, in a win for local waterways, healthy communities, and the Chesapeake Bay, a proposed settlement has been reached. The settlement requires EPA to, among other things, look for ways to reduce pollution from agriculture—Pennsylvania's biggest polluting source—and stormwater polluted runoff from urban and suburban land. EPA also commits to increase compliance and enforcement efforts. EPA is currently accepting public comment on the proposed settlement through May 22. Take action today and show your support for this settlement!

With this settlement, and in a continued sign of its commitment to saving the Bay, EPA is focusing on concerted remedial action to address some of the most severe problems in Pennsylvania, providing accountability and reasonable assurance that Bay restoration will succeed. Please join us in urging EPA to finalize the settlement. Take action now before the May 22 comment deadline.

By signing this form, you will be sending the following comment letter to EPA:

Thank you for demonstrating your commitment to saving the Chesapeake Bay by reaching a settlement in the lawsuit brought by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and their partners.

This proposed settlement is a win for local waterways, healthy communities like mine, and the Bay. It addresses some of the most severe problems in Pennsylvania, providing accountability and reasonable assurance that Bay restoration will succeed. This is a welcome change.

I support this settlement and urge you to quickly move forward with finalizing it so that Bay restoration can continue at full speed.

Thank you again for recommitting to saving the Bay.
Dear Environmental Protection Agency,

Thank you for demonstrating your commitment to saving the Chesapeake Bay by reaching a settlement in the lawsuit brought by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and their partners.

This proposed settlement is a win for local waterways, healthy communities like mine, and the Bay. It addresses some of the most severe problems in Pennsylvania, providing accountability and reasonable assurance that Bay restoration will succeed. This is a welcome change.

I support this settlement and urge you to quickly move forward with finalizing it so that Bay restoration can continue at full speed.

Thank you again for recommitting to saving the Bay.

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