Demand that Georgia Stop Selling Puppy Mill Pets at Pet Stores

  • by: Janice Kyle
  • recipient: GA Governor Nathan Deal and Commissioner Gary W. Black, GA Department of Agriculture, Georgia

About 60 cities across the U.S. have all decided that it is wrong to sell pets from puppy mills in pet stores. They have all passed laws making it illegal for pet stores to sell any cats or dogs that don't come from a shelter or rescue. This is not good news for those in the puppy mill business. These laws give stray dogs and cats a chance to get adopted and find new homes, without breeding and creating new pets for profit.

The State Senate in New Jersey passed a bill last July that requires pet stores to only sell cats and dogs from shelters or rescues. If the bill is also passed by the State Assembly, New Jersey could become the first state to adopt this important measure.

Please sign this petition to urge Governor Deal and Commissioner Black of the Georgia Department of Agriculture, to follow the lead of New Jersey and these animal-loving cities. Please ask them to institute a statewide law requiring that any cat or dog sold in a pet shop come from a shelter or rescue.

By getting more states involved in this type of thinking it could possibly pave the way for a federal law. Imagine how many animals lives we could save by making this important change.

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