CDW Company - STOP Advertising Using Great Apes!
This petition is to STOP the use of chimps (or any great apes) in television commercials. These primates have 98% OUR DNA. They are our brothers and should not be held captive for human gain or profit.
• Chimpanzee “actors” are babies. They are taken from their mothers at birth, which causes irreparable psychological harm.
• The cozy relationship that chimpanzees often appear to have with their trainers is very deceptive. Methods used to train chimpanzees are based in fear and physical and psychological domination.
• Trainers physically abuse chimpanzees using their fists, hammers, lead pipes, and even broom handles. Shock devices are also sometimes used.
• Most people don’t know that the “grin” so often displayed by chimpanzees in entertainment is actually a grimace of fear.
• Living conditions at training compounds are often deplorable, including dark, small cages, little or no enrichment, and sometimes solitary confinement.
• The American Humane Association’s “No animals were harmed in the making of this film” seal of approval doesn’t cover pre-production training, during which time there is the greatest potential for abuse.
• By giving the public the false impression that chimpanzees are not endangered in the wild, the use of chimpanzees in entertainment seriously impacts conservation efforts.
• By portraying chimpanzees as cute and childlike animals, viewers are led to believe that they make good pets, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
• Chimpanzee “actors” are typically retired from entertainment at 7 or 8 years of age, after which they are often dumped at roadside zoos or other substandard facilities.
The company CDW is recording and broadcasting commercials using chimpanzees to lure their audiences.
Historically, these primates have been used and abused for human profit, many times held captive with use of cruelty to perform their "tricks.
Animals are to be free or, if found confined, in sanctuaries for their protection and rehabilitation to go back to the wild. They are not our little clowns or entertainers, and should not work for a living. They have their own means and social patterns and skills for this. Humans have no right to interfere in their lives. How would YOU like it if you were held against your will, no matter how well they may treat you, so that you could be a slave to someone?

Please sign this petition to stop this once and for all! Thank you. Sign PetitionSign Petition